Nervous Patients

We understand that patients can be nervous and anxious about dental treatment.

There can be many reasons why you might feel this way and when we introduce ourselves to you, please do tell us if you’re worried about anything and we’ll do our very best to help.

Our aim is to treat you holistically and provide treatment as comfortably as possible in relaxed surroundings. Your best interests are our highest priority. 

We offer local anaesthetic with any treatment we feel that might need it.

We constantly update our knowledge and equipment staying ahead with the most comfortable and state of the art dental treatments.

Our dental team have been carefully selected for their interpersonal skills so they can give you confidence, support when you need it and provide you with high quality treatment and care.

Please talk to us about any fears or anxieties you might have and we will find the best person suited to you to manage your care in our exceptional team. We can also allow more time for your appointments if you need us too.


If you would like information about how we can help please contact us today using one of the below or alternatively fill out our online form and someone will get back to you asap.